
Showing posts from January, 2022


Marshmallows. The Making.


How much do I care about the latest Railways aspirants' riots?

Letter to homeschooling groups.

Royalty and the Republic.

The 'cultural' parade.

Seeking friends.

Are we really that stupid?

Baby, Mamma, and Alexa.

Update on Covid.

News Flash - We are positive.

Kym's generation. And their future.

Random acts of expensive gifting.

Chandigarh Kare Aashiqui - (Spoiler-free) Movie Review

Oh my darling, quarantine!

We're positive.

An eventful weekend at the bear household.


Evidence-based medicine and Indian doctors.

Income tax and reservations.

Escape velocity.

A wet day to race.

A rambling post.

How much sharing is too much?

And the 5th tooth is down for the count.

Lectures on Press Freedom from the USA and other curiosities.


Rajdharma, anyone?

A multiple-choice question. For zero marks.