A good morning from Kym.
An ilaichi banana, followed by an 8km run, 100 squat jumps, 50 court runs, 12 Indian-style assisted push-ups, 10 situps to standing position, 180s plank, duck walk, lunges, basketball jumps, superhero, halasan, naavaasan, arch, bhujangasan, 30s x 3 sets free hang with both hands, 10s x 3 sets one hand each free hang, sheershasan, handstand (with 5 assisted push-ups), panther walk, extreme stretching, vajrasan, shavaasan, a litre of water, head bath with warm water, 2 eggs, 2 slices of cheese, 250ml milk with Bournvita, 2 rotis, some ketchup, chips, block of cheddar, and we are ready for an hour of chess. The clock strikes 8. A very good morning to you all.
Does everyone on my wall already know her morning routine? Sure. So, who is this post for? No one in particular. Just flexing.
Does everyone on my wall already know her morning routine? Sure. So, who is this post for? No one in particular. Just flexing.
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