Doctors and compulsory magic courses.

The worst news to wake up to. As long as these nutcases were not touching real science, they were (just about) bearable. But this? This will create literal unscientific minds in a highly science-based space that affects actual people's lives. Shocked!
I know we are a privileged family from birth, and Kymaia is highly privileged. She can, once she becomes an adult, perhaps afford to dream of settling down in saner societies where at least the patient has a choice of choosing between a doctor and a quack (if quackery isn't banned altogether). But what about hundreds of millions of those who are unprivileged and must therefore trust doctors who have 'interned' with 'magic' in their formative years and at an impressionable age?

By the way, what do the real doctors on my timeline feel about this? The Hindi-Hindu-Hindutva philosophy has entered education, media, judiciary, legislative bodies, technology, and also the armed forces. But till now, they had stayed away (or were kept away) from science, specifically medicinal science. This is not a good omen.

What next? Civil engineers and architects must have compulsory Vastushastra and Feng Shui classes to pass before practicing building dams, roads, and houses? Rocket scientists must pass an exam in Upanishads and the Ramayan? the National Defence Academy entrance exam to include mandatory knowledge of Mahabharata and the weapons used in the mythological epic? Judges and lawyers to be trained on Manusmriti (and Sharia, perhaps)? Pilots to know Hanuman Chalisa by heart? Where does this stop? I'll tell you: With death and destruction of poor people, and the fleeing of those who can afford to. In which category do you belong?


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