Be wary of those that invoke the soldier.
A question to all Indians: Why are you proud of your army?
1. It has been a professional force never meddling in politics and never attempting a coup.
2. It is a meritocratic organisation.
3. It is seen as uncorrupt.
4. It defends our borders.
5. It helps civil administration.
6. The cantonment areas are beautifully maintained.
7. The uniforms look smart.
8. They are all fit and healthy.
9. They sacrifice their convenience and safety for the country.
Please answer honestly
Let me start. The following are not options, nor my opinion. These are simply examples. You need to give me just one topmost reason that is THE most important one for your pride.
1. It has been a professional force never meddling in politics and never attempting a coup.
2. It is a meritocratic organisation.
3. It is seen as uncorrupt.
4. It defends our borders.
5. It helps civil administration.
6. The cantonment areas are beautifully maintained.
7. The uniforms look smart.
8. They are all fit and healthy.
9. They sacrifice their convenience and safety for the country.
What's your reason?
Condition: YOU CAN ONLY GIVE ONE REASON. Give your topmost.
Condition: YOU CAN ONLY GIVE ONE REASON. Give your topmost.
Why do I ask this? Because regardless of what your reasons are (and I know they are covered in the above list), you should be worried when the Army goes against these. If you see an Army that belies any of the reasons given above (and especially your personal specific reason that you chose as an answer to this question), should you not be worried? Because there are people today in India who ask you, on one hand, to 'respect the Army' while chiseling away at the very same time at the very reasons you should do that. I wish to warn you to be wary of such people invoking the Army's name to sully it. Hoshiar raho. Tagda raho.
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